Saturday, June 13, 2009

june 12 - ritual poem

today's prompt is to write a ritual poem. Thighman82 used this basic outline for his ritual poem:
1. decide what you would like to have occur.
2. examine all aspects of the subject.
3. think of actions to illustrate some of these aspects.
4. write each action down as a command.
5. number the commands.
6. let yourself go.

this poem, though written on the 12th was entered into the challenge on the 13th, hence 13 commands, because we all know how obsessive compulsive rituals can be.

Ritual for writing poems for the 30 day poetry challenge

1 sequester self in bedroom, sit cross legged on a milk crate, open window.
2 remove shirt, tilt thinking cap to the right, water bottle to the left.
3 nudge door into place with one hand: master placing boulder in front of cave.
4 lay pens down by photograph of self, aged 7.
5 write for ten minutes, another ten and another ten. Stay up late.
6 stare at that spot on the wall, no not there, next to it!
7 lean forward, crane neck, round back, erupt words.
8 straighten out, look up at that spot again, swig water.
9 gather snippets from free writes, journal entries, random receipts.
10 rock back and forth, talk out the window, pretend they’re watching.
11 stare into the screen, fingers snatch at old memories.
12 rocking back and forth, kiss lines with rhymes entreatingly.
13 rejoice, re-read, re-read, go to sleep.

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